I can make this! However, it would take a lot of felt which I don't have......My mother does have a lot of wool so maybe I should first learn how to felt!
I just FELT like crafting!: "

We love felt. I think I speak for all of us here in the TV craft department when I make that statement. We use it so often—
on all different kinds of
craft projects—that we have amassed quite the collection of wool felts. All our felt is stored in plastic bins by color and take up a large portion of our fabric section. We keep one bin just for scraps labeled appropriately 'felt bits'. That bin was depleted for a while when I went haywire on it back in August.
What should have just stayed small, like the original idea below, just kept growing and growing. Before I knew it, I had used all our green felt and had more of a doormat than a trivet!

Everyone agreed that the time and money put into this 'mat' was too much to just be stepped on, so it's been sitting on a shelf for months now. I was thinking maybe I should just go for it and make a full size carpet, what do you think?

1 scrap felt mat

2 felt rug





7 felt scraps organized by color in Ziplock bags

8 orange scraps cut into half inch strips

9 roll strips into a coil and use hot glue to secure in place

10 finish with one strip, start the next one right after, butting up the ends

11 run the glue along and roll.
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