Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Graham Crackers and Marshmallows

I have always wanted to make homemade graham crackers but I never knew where to find graham flour. Basically, graham flour is whole wheat flour ground in a different way. So, potentially, graham crackers could be good for you....well, maybe just a healthy dessert. Also, I would experiment using regular whole wheat flour so I don't have to buy yet another type of flour (I am sure purists would scoff at that idea).

Thanks to "Pinch My Salt" blog for this great idea.

Wordless Wednesday: Graham Crackers and Marshmallows: "

Homemade Graham Crackers

Homemade Honey Marshmallows

Almost a S'more

Marshmallows and Graham Cracker Crumbs

Homemade Marshmallows dipped in Chocolate

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